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Your support matters to the residents of Iosco County and we appreciate it very much.
DownloadIf you have been unable to attend our Grant Writing Workshops, this video created by Dr. Manuela Kress of Mid-Michigan Grant Writers & Consultants LLC. will give a great deal of valuable information.
January 8, 2024
We are excited to share a unique opportunity with you. As you may know, Develop Iosco was awarded a grant by the Office of Rural Development for $50,000 to hire Dr. Manuela Kress, owner of Mid-Michigan Grant Writers & Consultants, to increase the grant writing capacity in Iosco County by providing grant education, writing and consultation for Develop Iosco and its members.
To start, we are able to offer Develop Iosco members 20 hours of Manuela’s time free of charge.
The time can be tailored to meet the needs of your municipality or organization. Services include grant research, developing a grant calendar, grant consultation and review. Manuela can also meet with your staff and/or board to discuss grants and can assist you with developing boilerplate language that can be used to apply for grants.
As an example, Manuela recently met with an organization that is new to grant writing and provided a list of all of the documents that would need to be created to apply for grants as well as provided information on how to obtain a License to Solicit Charitable Contributions, and a Unique Entity ID. After the meeting she researched grant opportunities and sent a draft 2024 grant calendar to the organization. She will be providing ongoing review and consultation as the organization pursues grants.
Manuela also recently met with representatives from a municipality, provided information about grant opportunities, and reviewed a grant application that had been submitted but not funded.
In order to facilitate planning for 2024, please respond to this e-mail and let me, Chris Martin, Develop Iosco Executive Director, know by January 31, 2024 if you are interested in receiving Manuela’s services. You can email me at executivedirector@develop-iosco.org
In addition to these individualized services, we will be offering a series of half day grant writing workshops throughout the county, dates to be determined.
Your financial support impacts our capacity to do more.
As you consider supporting DI, review our 2023 Annual Report (list of accomplishments) on our homepage. We believe that if you review that report, you will see that DI has and is continuing to bring value through a number of economic development initiatives.
If you would like to learn more about DI and the value we bring to Iosco County, send us an email at membership@develop-iosco.org and we will contact you and schedule a time to talk.